• What is an Otolaryngologist?
  • My child seems to suffer from ear infections a lot. Why is this?
  • What are the signs of hearing loss?
  • Why do I need a hearing test?
What is an Otolaryngologist?

An Otolaryngologist is also known as an ear nose throat surgeon or ENT specialist
ENT specialists manage patient with disorders of the ears, nose, throat, head and neck

My child seems to suffer from ear infections a lot. Why is this?

Children under the age of three average one to two ear infections a year. These occur when fluid becomes trapped in the middle ear following a viral or bacterial infection.

What are the signs of hearing loss?

Symptoms of hearing loss include difficulty understanding what others are saying, asking people to repeat themselves, struggling to hear in crowded places with distracting background noise, perceiving that others are mumbling or not speaking clearly, listening to the television or radio at a higher volume than others and experiencing a ringing or buzzing in the ears. You may find yourself withdrawing from social situations in order to avoid conversation and also might experience depression.

Why do I need a hearing test?

A hearing test helps answer three important questions:

Do you have hearing loss?
What is causing your hearing loss?
What is the best way to improve your hearing?

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