Chest Diseases and Critical Care


Dr. Robert Da Costa – MD Chest


Department of Chest Diseases and Critical care provides state-of-the-art technology in the management of respiratory diseases.

Diagnostic tests like Fiber-optic and rigid bronchoscopy are routinely done as outpatient procedures on day care basis. Advanced bronchoscopic techniques such as Trans-bronchial lung biopsy (TBLB), Trans Bronchial Noodle Aspiration (TCNA) and Broncho Awealar Lavage (BAL) have all been successfully done. Therapeutic bronchoscope in critically ill patients on mechanical ventilator has helped in better management of these ventilator patients and in identifying ventilator associated pneumonia.

Pulmonary function laboratory supported with blood gas analysis has helped in evaluation of complex respiratory disorders. Our sleep lab helps in the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea which is one of major disease. Thrombolysis has been successfully used in management of critical pulmonary Embolism

Non invasive positive pressure ventilation with nasal CPAP been a great asset in the management of acute respiratory failure.

Future Thrust:

  1. Mobile respiratory care team in conjunction Emergency Medicare Team.
  2. Diffusion capacity of Lung
  3. Laser bronchoscope

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